Sunday, September 19, 2010

I love daisies. They're so friendly. Don't you think that daisies are the friendliest flower?!

I do.

Today, I fought a loneliness similar to what I imagine Kathleen Kelly from The Shop Around the Corner felt when she was hanging Christmas ornaments on the tree and thinking of the Joni Mitchell song, "I wish I had a river I could skate away on...."

So what did I do to combat the loneliness? Why, bake of course!

I began with a loaf of my favorite bread. While that was baking, I began mixing up a batch of molasses cookies. (Not going to lie, they're really good...almost like a gingersnap!)

While my molasses cookies were baking, I sliced up an onion and a jalapeño and started a delicious black bean soup (cheap, delicious, and tastes GREAT over rice!).

Then, I proceeded to take a bite of a cookie and lick my fingers afterwards. Terrible idea and now my lips/tongue are burning from the remnants of the jalapeño on my fingers.

Did I mention I'm watching "You've Got Mail" throughout this entire afternoon/evening?

I am so proud of you for consolidating your loans. You are one gigantic step ahead of me. What are your interest rates looking like these days?! I am hoping to get mine below 6.8%.

Don't you worry there my honey, I'll be picking up some delish FingerLakes wine for our reunion. I'm even thinking a Tony's Blush, but only because I love you more than life itself. I think part of our moleness/soulness is because we love wine. And mexican food. And helping people. And the three of those together actually is our ideal life.

So I've been thinking a lot about this whole going to live in France as the future Mrs. French Vanilla and the only thing I'm not looking forward to is being 6 hours ahead of you. That means when I'm ready for bed, you'll be at work. So we'll have to make sure I can still call and say goodnight.

One time, in the Philippines, I went to a series of talks on Theology of the Body. If you're interested, I have 10 CDs of Christopher West's description of Theology of the Body. I also have the definition of the concupiscence of man. (see for further explanations).

In other news, I went to Whole Foods today. It was nice. I also found this adorable little town with a precious little co-op and GUESS WHAT! 10,000 Villages! It's right there, across the street from the co-op. Oh you would just love it here.

I miss you and love you, Kathryn.

My Favorite Kate Song

When She Smiles It's a RainBOW!

Alright, so I have decided that we will also find as many songs that share our name and post them, so hopefully we will have a collection of the greatest tributes to US that the world has ever known!

This post is serving as a celebration of the submitting of my Federal Loan Consolidation Application. Which means I have taken my first real steps into financial responsibility, so go me!

In other news, life has been rather devoid of those all too important sightings of the Oddly Unusual, perhaps the world knows that I should not be distracted as I attempt to get my life in order. I have been missing my usual hang outs as well, I think what I will do next weekend is venture over to the favorite of all... the HBHaus and dance the night away with our fave accordion players. Clearly video and pics will be taken and shared as you could not be there with me at this time. :(

Reminder please... as you and your French Vanilla Fiancée are traveling in Upstate New York looking for that Perfect wedding location* please remember to snag some of Upstate New York's finest wine for our reunion wine night.... I know I prefer the sweeter wines, but for you I would be willing to make an exception... just no dry merlots PLEASE! On a related note, I had a BRILLIANT business idea/proposal for my dad the other day and he shot me down... THE NERVE!

I suggested that we open up a beer distributor... and before you get all "Yo soy alergigo a triga"...hear me out. It would specialize in Organic/ Fair Trade Beers and Wines as well as finding the best and most unusual Hard Ciders from around the world, and would have the largest selection of Gluten-Free Beer in the country. and clearly we would have the largest, longest beareded men in the city with the best Yinzer/Upstate New York combo accents to harass the people who come to buy said beverages. Sound ok now?

I thought you might be on board. I now must continue doing a load of nothing and enjoying the few precious hours that I have off. Did I tell you I'm going to a Theology of the Body lecture tonight for work... I'll let you know how that goes later... clearly!

Love you MoleMate- Perhaps one day soon we can attempt yoga at a Slopes Apartment Near Me!

*Locations and idea options can be found at your local news stand in any wedding mag that you might want to read on your way to any third world country... OR you could do what I did all morning and watch TLC's Four Weddings... just a thought...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Matching Moles, Matching Souls

So I've already broken Rule #4, but I promise I'll get better at this. You see, my life has taken on a crazy new twist. A graduation, a move away from the Practically-Perfect-in-every-way-Pittsburgh, a trip to France, an engagement, and now a move to the City of Brotherly Love has occupied my mind for the past month. I know, I know, excuses are lame, but I swear I'll make it up to you!

So following the rules of the previous post (as I lack any original thoughts at this moment) I begin my first post.

1. We participated in our final wine night together, celebrating in an empty apartment with a bottle of Stateside's wine. This was followed by sleeping shoebox style on an air mattress that had lost most of its air.

Headstands are much easier and less dangerous when there are no chairs to jump out at you. Although, Jesus does Heal.

2. While sitting under a cross (they're everywhere, although no one even goes to church anymore) on a small island (i.e., 10 ft in total) in the South of France (Collioure), I noticed a man (French, obviously) standing near me (behind, actually), marveling at the wonders (the sea) of God's creation (the earth). It was a beautiful sight, indeed, and French Vanilla (FV) and I both enjoyed the view tremendously.

This man had Celiac disease. And you see, the people in France carry their burdens on their shoulders....

I kid, I kid. They just carry their lunches and no lunch is complete without a few fresh baguettes.

3. The next year of my life will be spent learning French phrases that will allow me to survive when I move in August 2011. The most essential phrases I have already learned in Spanish (i.e., "Yo soy alergica a triga." and "Yo quiero la gente pobre.") Once I have mastered these in French, I should make lots of friends and really have no problem adjusting to a life there.
I already am able to read french. Baguette, gluten, tour Eifel, etc. So needless to say, I am not too worried about it.

So in regards the rest of the rules, I really have nothing to say about them. I am very much looking forward to being prompt and using key phrases such as "I did a leprechaun dance out of the DMV today when I realized it would only take 2 days to transfer my car to my father Praise God."

I also look forward to planning a wedding and I hope you don't mind if I use this as a way to communicate things to you such as, "I am already bored".

Polka dots fill my eyes....

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Post Primero

As we approach our last week together in the Practically Perfect in Every Way Pittsburgh (disagree if you must, but I think relating the Burgh to Marry Poppins is quite appropriate) I thought it would be a good idea to begin our great step into the Bloggosphere.

Step one: We must each create a to-do list of things that we hope to accomplish in the coming year so as to chart progress. These to-do's are by no means serious or life altering goals; rather, a way to ensure that our Kati-ness remains intact....
1. Monthly Wine night to be shared via Skype. Stipulation- In order for it to be considered a "Night" the conversation must last at minimum 1 hr. Of course these fun times can last longer, but with busy schedules and time constraints it may be difficult.
2. Spotting unusual and interesting characters in public is a must! Always be on the lookout, please only report back if the character is supremely unusual and interesting. Acceptable examples include the freakishly tall older balding gentleman in the velvet green wizard cape carrying a leather bag around the city, or Man older-than-dirt driving a motor cycle with leopard print seat and blasting Pavarotti around South Side Works.
3. Acquiring new language knowledge is clearly an important skill.... as you are a Speech-Language Pathologist. Please share any important gangsta' lingo you find in the City of Brotherly Love, while I will attempt to enhance my Spanish knowledge from the friendly staff at Emilianos.
4. Efficiency is always appreciated when living a busy life; therefore, code words and phrases to alert the other would be the best way to ensure a quick response. For example, if you needed to tell me that you just got into a bar fight with a bunch of Cougars and I'm not answering my phone, simply text "THE PADRE STRIKES AT MIDNIGHT!" and I will understand and respond right away.
5. The most important is that random outbursts of harmonized music is KEY. From here on out I commit myself to continue to randomly burst into song (public or private locations) in order to make a fool of myself and create situations which require encoded texts messages.

I think these 5 goals are a great start and just remember if you are feeling overwhelmed... there is always... A Branch to Stand On (ABtSO TM 2008 Kati Y Kati Foundation)